Kanchenzonga, Trekking in the Indian Himalayas

Yuksom is very near to the second highest mountain of the world: Kanchenzonga or as the local people call it: Sleeping Buddha. It’s more dan 8,5 kilometre high. The whole area is a beautifull national park.

donderdag 6 november 2008


Op 4 oktober gaan we naar een museum van Puruchuco toe..dit museum is het levenwerk van Arturo Jimenes Borja. Op zich kan ik niet zoveel melden van dit museum..al is er op internet bij 4share wel een pdf over dit document vinden. We hadden bij deze museum wel problemen met de lama..die je wel over de rug kon strelen..maar niet bij de kop of nek..


During the Incas period Puruchuco was a main center of Inca’s development. The warm sand of the coast deserts protected this enormous area from devastation and the advance of civilization. The archeologist William Cock and his team of Peruvian women archeologists rescued a group of 2.400 mummies and other important vestiges saving it from an imminent destruction because this cemetery is located under Tupac Amaru community, in Ate-Vitarte district, in Lima city.

This article will approach us to the first new hypothesis after three years of investigation about the history of Puruchuco and the Inca’s mummies, the wonderful inheritance of Tawantinsuyo Empire.
Years before the Inca’s Empire there were several local communities, which settle down in Puruchuco zone and built platforms, walls and rooms. When the Incas arrive, they used these structures in their own way.

Puruchuco in Quechua means “Helmet with Feathers” and has inside its limits an imposing Inca Palace made in adobe and built over the Leon Hill. This labyrinthine Palace might be a management center or the home of a functionary (or a group of them). They probably were dedicated to administrate the Mita, which was the obligatory job in the empire. The big yard might be used to change, distribute and control products and to divulge news between communities.

However, the importance of Puruchuco is the sacred value. In a certain area of this place (Huaquerones gorge) was located a great cemetery, one of the most enormous in Peru formed by 8 hectares. Lately, in 1.480 the Incas used the structures left by the last residents and considerate this privileged zone for receiving the human remains of the textile artisans to awake in the next life. The textile artisans were the more important professionals in the Empire.

The bodies were buried with their best clothes, textile tools and a group of offerings as ceramics, animals, and furs, food and everything needed to continue with their work in the next life.

For 50 years Puruchuco was a specialized cemetery because it received the human remains of textile artisans from different towns in the surroundings. This cemetery was divided and organized depending on the status of the people.

This was a healthy community with some evidence of common diseases. In 1.535 a rear disease attacked Inca population and many people died including Huayna Capac Inca. This was the beginning of the end of the glorious Incas Empire.

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